Posted on by Fabrication Life
Last week was our 1st Tig’d Up Tuesday review on and the fans loved it!
This week we had a huge amount of traffic for Tig’ Up Tuesday. Here is what was posted:
Myles Blackwell
“Mild Steel weld”

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Posted in BLOG
Tagged chevy, domestic, evo, fabricate, Fabrication, ford, ford gt, gt40, Import, industrial, kit car, ls1, ls2, ls3, lsx, mig, mitsubishi, mk3, mk4, oil, pie cut, pipe weld, piping, powerhouse racing, root, stainless, stainless steel, steel, supra, tig, tig weld, tigd, toxicfab, toyota, turbo, turbocharged, turbocharger, tut, weld, weld off